Moin future foxes!

Everything we do is built on a culture of trust and empathy — why? Because everyone’s opinion and work counts to get where we want to get and fullfill our mission:

To build a strong team that pursues groundbreaking innovation in the areas of tool and language engineering.

See our Job Openings

Clever foxes don’t settle for less

We continue where others stop. We’re ambitious for our customers, but we also like to retreat into our cave to develop cool new things and then wow the world with them.
This requires bright minds that are sometimes even one step ahead of us. Don’t hold back! We listen very carefully. To hear what you have to say, but also to find out what you need to make your work excellent and pleasant. Fun office, remote office, less office - what do you need?

The Fox

Interested? Great! — Have a look at our current job openings

Nothing here for the techies?

No current job opening fits your qualifications, but you’re convinced that you would be an excellent match for our team? Weʼd love to hear from you! We’re always open for great talent.

Get in touch!
curly brace

Empowering expertise & personal growth: Our core values

curly brace

Worthy Mission

Together we want to pursue innovation in the areas of tool and language engineering.

People who care

We support and encour­age you and each other and to grow together.

Keep learning

We want you to learn con­tinuously, stay up to date with the latest tech­nologies and expand your skills.

Work remotely

Work from anywhere in Germany, when and where you are at your best.

Join the future of developing!

TypeFox team members at work

Come, join a dynamic tech-driven team with a mission of pushing the limits of tool and language engineering, and with strong values around openness, honesty, and effective pragmatism.

We're convinced that continuous learning and exploring is the way to build the best solutions sustainably, therefore we're always curious about new approaches.

Learn more about us!